Wednesday, January 16, 2013

VARK Learning Syles

Being involved in education, I thought I knew everything about learning styles.  After all, as an undergrad student I processed my way through Developmental Psychology, Educational Psychology and numerous practicum hours of observations.  I understood and took to heart Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligence Theory which is recognized as a model by which to understand and teach many aspects of human intelligence, learning style, personality and behavior.  But I never heard of VARK, but admittedly deduced that this assignment was going to be yet another resource that will enable me to "reflect" on what I thought I knew about the different ways in which children, and adults (myself included) learn.

Unlike Gardner's test, which includes eight categories, VARK consists of four basic learning styles:

I was excited to take this survey just to see how accurate the results were.
  • Visual:  8
  • Aural:  9
  • Reading and Writing:  6
  • Kinesthetic:   9
And surprisingly, these results are pretty accurate in describing the way I approach learning.  I am considered a multimodal learner, utilizing 2 or more styles depending on what I'm attempting to grasp.  I have to laugh at myself because I can remember many a day, walking around while I orally recite class notes or recording my notes (especially for my Spanish class) just to help me learn it -- and retain it.

As an educator, the VARK test can be beneficial not only to my students and myself, but to parents as well.  It can be used to inform parents about how their children learn best.  I am diligent in recognizing and understanding that every student learns differently and that as their teacher, it is up to me to utilize specific strategies according to each student's learning style that will guarantee student success. 

I feel that VARK can easily fall under each standard of ISTE.NETS-T, for example:
  • Standard 1c and d:  By conferencing with fellow educators, parents and students regarding VARK results, I am providing vital information and resources that allow the student to understand and monitor their own learning; and I am providing parents and teachers insight into a students "way of thinking" when it comes to learning.
  • Standard 2a-d:  Just as I mentioned above, the VARK will also give me the tools necessary to differentiate when needed, based on these results.
  • Standard 3b-d:   Being able to collaborate, communicate and model the use of this technological resource will support student success; relay important information to parents, colleagues and students; and provide a model of the effectiveness of having this resource and the importance of keeping abreast of current digital tools.
  • Standard 4b:  The VARK will allow me to utilize the results to incorporate specific learning strategies that "fit" each of my students accordingly, thus addressing each students diverse needs.
  • Standard 5:  Providing me with ample opportunities to engage in professional growth and leadership that will benefit myself, my students, my profession and community.

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