Sunday, January 13, 2013

Salutations Fellow Bloggers ...

I must admit, the one thing that comes to mind when I hear the word 'blogging' is from the movie Julie and Julia.  Julie decided to prepare every dish from Julia Childs' Cookbook and shared her experiences (both private and public) through her blog. 

So a fellow classmate suggested that this first blog was intended to be an introduction (thanks Lynne) so here's the scoop . . . My name is Cherie Wieman and I'm from Winchester, VA.  My husband Paul and I moved here in 1998 with our four children, Colin, Aaron, Christopher, and Amanda.  I began my journey as an educator in 2002 by attending Lord Fairfax Community College.  I graduated in 2004, then transferred to Shenandoah University to obtain my BS in Elementary Education and Teacher License.  Needless to say, it took quite a while to complete, but I did and finally graduated in 2011.  Being a parent with four children, three of which were involved in athletics; attending school; and working full-time can really hinder one's goal at times.  But it all turned out well in the grand scheme of things.  Unlike most of my fellow classmates, being picked up by a school district was not in the cards for me, so after 6 months of  trying, I figured I might as well keep going, which brings me to this place and time. 

I'm currently a Kindergarten/IRT with Winchester Public Schools and will complete my MS: Elementary Education/Reading Specialist in August 2013.  I've spent the last year as a Graduate Intern with the Claude Moore Center for Literacy, working with Dr. Peter Edwards and numerous other Shenandoah staff.  I've had plenty of opportunities to use various technologies while student teaching, participating in specific literacy clinics, and currently bring in loaned iPads for my students when possible.  I will admit though that this course makes me slightly nervous - as does anything that appears new or foreign to someone, but I thrive on challenges and enjoy the learning process, so I'm all set to get the hang of technology and all it has to offer.

So that's the gist of it, I look forward to getting to know you all and welcome any suggestions.  After all - isn't this is what learning is all about?

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