Well it is good to know that my hard work has finally paid off for this assignment. As a requirement as an undergrad, I had to create a website that described my philosophy of education, provided claims and cross-cutting themes with evidences, and of course, that provided my resume. The template was chosen for me because I'm in Education.
As a graduate student, the requirement is the same--create the website (or e-portfolio) and include samples of work with evidence, so you may find the same Claims and Cross-Cutting Themes in both the undergrad/graduate pages, but the work is very different, which is an excellent way to show my growth in learning. I even linked this blog into a page--were you able to find it?
Since the website is specifically about me and shows my work, I feel that there is only one NETS-T Standard that applies:
Standard 5: Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership by continuously improving their professional practice, model lifelong learning, and exhibit leadership in their school and professional community by promoting and demonstrating the effective use of digital tools and resources.
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