Sunday, January 20, 2013

Google Docs

Well, today I felt quite accomplished!  I actually figured out how to upload my resume into my Google Docs account.  I've had the account for years, but never really used it.  But I believe that this program will be much easier to manage instead of my usual jump-drive.  There are so many advantages to having this 'cloud' for the classroom.  As a teacher, I can create student portfolios, assignments, or a "Classroom  Happenings" newsletter, all available to my students and parents.

As with most of the technology I'm learning while taking this class, I'm also discovering that numerous ISTE Nets-T standards apply to this assignment as well.  Standard 1: Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity; allowing students to create, explore and discover many different ways to learn will only increase their motivation and drive to succeed.  Maybe a future Bill Gates will someday be in my classroom!  Standard 2: Design and Develop Digital Age Learning Experiences and Assessments; having the tools available that will allow me to customize the diverse needs of my students, tools and resources that promote student learning and creativity, and creating assessments that I can use to discuss a student's progress with both parents and students are just a few examples from this standard.  Standard 3: Model Digital Age Work and Learning; by demonstrating and modeling the use of current technology, my students, parents and peers will see that I too am learning and incorporating new-found knowledge in a global and digital society.  Standard 4: Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility; as technology is used in the classroom, it is my responsibility that I incorporate, teach, and model safe, legal, and ethical use of digital information and technology.  Standard 5: Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership; as an educator, I will be on a constant journey of learning by sharing and participating in decision making, community building and developing the leadership and technology skills of others; stay abreast of current research and professional practices, and contribute to school and community.

Here's the required link to my published document:

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